Joe was the 07/08 PAU chair, which was nice. This means that he was responsible for all the fun filled goings on of all 27 Performing Arts Union Societies, one of which the fantastic StageSoc.
Joe is also an active memebr of Theatre Group and Showstoppers, so even though he has never actually been a member of StageSoc he has worked with them on many occasions and imagines that some members are fed up with seing his bearded face on stage. In the past Joe has been a techie for several shows, he even stage managed once, so he tries to be a considerate member of cast when performing. He even found himself in a live music bar the other day muttering 'they have the levels completely wrong here', and had to go and have a swift drink before his inner techie took hold. Joe doesn't have to drink, but he chooses to because he likes the taste and sensation. Alcohol should be a social lubricant, not a social fuel.
On a personal note, Joe was a 3rd year law student, with aspirations to become a barrister or a pirate :pirate: he doesnt mind which, they are basicly the same thing anyway!
He is now VP Education and Representation for SUSU