Listed below are the events that StageSoc hold. You can use the options at the bottom of the page to narrow down the list.
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Search Results :: Past Events |
Health and Safety Training | Tuesday 18th April 2023 at 13:00 |
Catch up Health and Safety training! |
Location: Green Room, Building 2A |
Training Type: Health and Safety |
Attendees: 0 |
Chamsys Training | Thursday 13th April 2023 at 08:30 |
We have been able to get free MagicQ training from ChamSys ran by Rebbecca! This is a great course that introduces the basics of ChamSys and MagicQ (Yes they do bring the new consoles to play with 😍 ). With this training taking place only a few weeks before PureDance, if you're in the UK it's worth coming down (plus they give you a £25 MagicDMX Basic for free)! Reserve a spot here: |
Location: The Annex, Building 2a |
Training Type: MagicQ Training |
Attendees: 1 |
First Aid Training | Saturday 25th February 2023 at 19:00 |
EFAW training for signed up StageSoc members |
Location: 32/3077 (EEE Building) |
Training Type: First Aid |
Attendees: 0 |
Power tool training | Thursday 9th February 2023 at 19:00 |
Want to learn how to use all of our power tools (yes, really all of them)? Come along to power tool training on Thursday 9th February from 7pm - 10pm. You'll need to have completed StageSoc health and safety training first - remember you can come along on Tuesday if you haven't yet done that! - Jonathan |
Location: The Annex, Building 2a |
Training Type: Basic Stage |
Attendees: 0 |
Lighting training | Wednesday 8th February 2023 at 19:00 |
Interested in being Lighting Designer for a show? Want to learn a bit more about using the lighting desk? We're running an LD training session on Wednesday 8th at 7pm, come along! - Alice |
Location: The Annex, Building 2a |
Training Type: Basic Lighting |
Attendees: 0 |